With a single-axle, self-balancing electric scooter - called a SEGWAY® Personal Transporter - you can experience the world from a new perspective. Standing on a SEGWAY is simply fantastic. It feels like you're gliding along. The most ingenious thing about it: it moves simply by shifting your body weight. You lean back - the SEGWAY moves back. You bring your balance to the center - the SEGWAY stands still. The handlebar is guided close to the body and the SEGWAY follows the natural inclination of your body. You simply lean in the direction you want to go. For example, to popular excursion destinations such as the Brocken, Ravensberg, Wurmberg, Bismarck Tower, Walkenried Monastery, Oder Dam, etc.
From now and exclusively at SeggyTours: Premium tour to the Brocken. The tour usually starts every Saturday and/or Sunday from June at 11 a.m. in Schierke.