© Stefan Sobotta, UNESCO-Welterbe Bergwerk Rammelsberg, Altstadt von Goslar und Oberharzer Wasserwirtschaft

World Heritage Insight Hike: Traces of mining at the Rammelsberg

Short facts

  • start: World Heritage Rammelsberg
  • destination: World Heritage Rammelsberg
  • difficult
  • 5,97 km
  • 2 hours 5 minutes
  • 602 m
  • 321 m
  • Loop tour

best season

Hike 1,000 years of mining history around the Rammelsberg in Goslar.

Tip: Activate the audio guide mode in the app. At 9 stations you will learn interesting details about the Rammelsberg and the surrounding landscape.


On this 6 km long circular hike, discover the landscape that was changed by mining on the Rammelsberg. Around the Rammelsberg museum and visitor mine in Goslar you can still find many traces of the mining era in the landscape. Sometimes these traces can only be recognized at second glance. You can start your hike at the gates of the mine and take the circular route up to the Rammelsberg. Along the way you will discover old shafts, learn why a mine needed its own pond and learn how the miners used to live.

Tour waypoints

Rammelsberger Straße and the former Rammelsberg Mine

Roeder Stollen portal

Herzberger Teich pond


Kanekuhler Shaft and Engine House

Maltermeister Tower

Winkler Weather Shaft





  • Asphalt Coating (11%)
  • Hiking Trail (57%)
  • Path (14%)
  • Crushed Rock (17%)


General information

Next steps
Download GPX Tour-Portal

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