© Stadtinformation Harzgerode


The centre of the Lower Harz region

The town of Harzgerode is located in the most beautiful part of the Harz Mountains and is surrounded by dense deciduous and coniferous forests, a unique landscape of lakes, fabulous valleys and a fascinating mountain world. 

The 'Selketalbahn', as part of the network of the Harz Narrow-Gauge Railways, connects Harzgerode with the districts of Alexisbad, Bärenrode, Dankerode, Friedrichshöhe, Güntersberge, Königerode, Mägdesprung, Neudorf, Schielo, Silberhütte, Siptenfelde and Straßberg. The Selke Valley is probably the most romantic part of the train network and an insider's tip for nature and romance lovers. Operated by historic steam locomotives and rail buses, it runs from the UNESCO World Heritage town of Quedlinburg to the headwaters of the river Selke in Stiege. For those who prefer to discover this 74 km route on foot, the walking route 'Selketal-Stieg' is just the thing.

Harzgerode's cultural sights include Harzgerode Castle, a three-storey Renaissance building with a stair tower, covered battlements and a round tower. The town information centre is also located in the castle. Visitors are presented with interesting information on various topics that have shaped the town's eventful history in a variety of exhibitions. The 'Black Kitchen' is a regular venue for art and culinary events. A walk through Harzgerode takes you past the market square with its impressive half-timbered town hall and the St. Marien church with its emblematic collection, turret flat and crypt.

Equally worth seeing is the walk-through technical monument Carlswerk in the district of Mägdesprung. In an authentic workshop atmosphere, visitors get a vivid impression of the development of the machines that were important for ore processing in the Selke Valley and can get active themselves while forging under expert supervision. The Visitor Mine Glasebach in Straßberg presents everyday mining life from 300 years of mining in the Harz Mountains and is open all year round. The 'Waldhof' is located in the Silberhütte district. With playgrounds and open-air exhibitions on forestry, it is also open to visitors all year round.

Holidays in Harzgerode

Selketal-Information Harzgerode

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